We Speak the Language of Success

Gymnasiumstraße 50, 1190 Vienna, Austria
+43-1-368 60 60

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In order to function as a professional association, UNIVERSITAS Austria needs not only committed people, but also an organizational structure to manage everything involved.

The main body of the association is the General Meeting, referring to all our members. Every other year, the General Meeting elects the Board of Directors, which consists of 3 to 11 volunteers and sets the agenda of the association. The Board of Directors may appoint committees to deal with certain matters in detail.

For disputes within the association, an arbitration tribunal is available.

We have an office for administrative support, which also acts as a point of contact. Our office employees, who are highly dedicated to their work, are not only responsible for the majority of the internal and external communication via phone and email, but also manage the member database, keep the accounts, support the organization of events, and take minutes at our board meetings, among other tasks.


You can find our office here:

Zentrum für Translationswissenschaft (ZTW)
Gymnasiumstraße 50
1190 Vienna

Entrance Philippovichgasse, first left on the ground floor (Google Maps).

Office hours 

Marlene Hönigsberger (Executive Administrator)

Every first Wednesday of the month, 14:00 – 17:00
(additional appointments by arrangement)

Phone: +43-1-368 60 60 (only during office hours)

Outside of our office hours, you can contact us by sending an email to info@universitas.org.

Changes regarding opening hours will be posted here and in the members only area (iBoard).

We will be in touch.



Board of Directors

The UNIVERSITAS Austria Board of Directors manages the operations of the association and is elected every other year by the General Meeting.

All board members are volunteers and have a specific area of responsibility. Some of these positions are determined by the statutes of the association, e.g. President, Vice-President, and Treasurer.

Roughly every four to six weeks, the Board of Directors meets and takes care of the association’s pending matters with the assistance of the different committees and our office.

The responsibilities of the Board of Directors as well as those of each member of the board are defined in the statutes (available in German only) of the association.

You can contact the Board of Directors as well as the office by sending an email to info@universitas.org. If you have a particular concern addressed to a specific board member or regarding a specific area of expertise, please use the respective email address (board member, area of responsibility) or refer to one of the committees in charge.

We will gladly take care of your concerns and look forward to your suggestions and ideas!

Board Members2023-2025

Thomas Musyl


Bremer Runde, Austrian
Economic Chambers/Language Service Providers Vienna, International Relations




Silvia Glatzhofer


Liaison officer ITAT, responsible for mentoring program (Maria Verber Program), Member of the Young Professionals Support Committee





Ursula Stachl-Peier


Finances, Taxes, Banking, Accounting





Martina Flor

Board member

Coordination of the Translation Committee





Goran Jonić

Goran JonićBoard member

Social Media, Liaison officer Salzburg/Upper Austria





Jill Kreuer

Board member

Coordination of the Interpreting Committee





Natalie Mair

Board member

Liaison officer Tyrol/Vorarlberg, Liaison officer INTRAWI





Nadezda Müngersdorff

Board member

Coordination of the PR Committee



Tamara Paludo

Board member

Editor of the Member Magazine





Katharina Redl

Board member

Coordination of the Community Interpreting Committee




Areas of responsibility2023-2025

Our areas of responsibility and the board members in charge are listed below:

Community Interpreting

Continuing Professional Development

Finance and Accounting

International Relations


Liaison to Educational Institutions

Liaison to Sister Organizations in Austria

Maria Verber Program (Mentoring)

Member Magazine

Public Relations

Sign Language

Student Members


Young Professionals Support, Internships

Former Presidents and Secretary-Generalssince 1975


Dagmar Jenner
Bettina Schreibmaier-Clasen


Dagmar Jenner
Maria Palma


Dagmar Jenner
Dagmar Sanjath


Alexandra Jantscher-Karlhuber
Dagmar Sanjath


Alexandra Jantscher-Karlhuber
Dagmar Jenner


Eva Holzmair-Ronge
Dagmar Jenner


Eva Holzmair-Ronge
Margit Hengsberger


Eva Holzmair-Ronge
Dagmar Sanjath


Florika Grießner
Dagmar Sanjath


Florika Grießner
Eva Martina Strobl, Ingrid Haussteiner


Erika Obermayer
Susanne Watzek


Erika Obermayer
Susanne Watzek


Elisabeth Schwarz
Sabine Schmidt


Elisabeth Schwarz
Elisabeth Frank-Grossebner


Annie Weich
Elisabeth Grossebner


Annie Weich
Liese Katschinka


Annie Weich
Liese Katschinka


Annie Weich
Liese Katschinka


Annie Weich
Liese Katschinka


Annie Weich
Liese Katschinka


Jeanne Gauster
Annie Weich


Jeanne Gauster
Annie Weich


Jeanne Gauster
Annie Weich


Maria Verber
Eva Beckel, Liese Katschinka, Brigitte Peschl, Marion Zaczek, Christian Springer


The UNIVERSITAS Austria Board of Directors can appoint committees to deal with certain matters. If required, external experts may be involved with these committees.

According to the statutes, at least an Interpreting Committee and a Translation Committee have to be established. At present, the following committees also support the association’s work:

Community Interpreting CommitteeAfCI

The UNIVERSITAS Austria Community Interpreting Committee was founded in 2013 and deals with job-related developments in the field of community interpreting. The committee itself does not pass any resolutions but presents written recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Tasks und Responsibilities

  • organizing and holding workshops for students and community interpreters,
  • taking steps to promote professionalization and organizing events in the field of community interpreting,
  • distributing information and preparing statements concerning topics related to community interpreting,
  • building awareness and quality assurance among customers and clients,
  • considering applications and documents for admission to COMMUNITAS, our platform for community interpreters, and forwarding these to the Board of Directors for approval.

For further information on COMMUNITAS, click here.

Members of the Community Interpreting Committee

The Community Interpreting Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors and is made up of five to six members who work in the field of community interpreting (practice, training, and research). If required, external experts may be consulted. If possible, at least one member of the committee should also be a member of the Board of Directors. The committee holds meetings as needed, which are chaired by the executive member.

  • Katharina Redl (coordinación)
  • Hannes Frank
  • Florika Grießner
  • Sonja Leet-Schutti
  • Harald Pasch

You can contact the Community Interpreting Committee by sending an email to afci@universitas.org.

Interpreting CommitteeAfDo

The Interpreting Committee is responsible for issues concerning the topic of interpreting and advocates for maintaining professional standards within the field. Additionally, the committee processes all applications for the UNIVERSITAS Austria Certification for Interpreters, with the Board of Directors making the final decision.

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • compiling information for leaflets on interpreting, such as the interpretation guidelines (available in the members-only area of the website),
  • processing certification applications,
  • creating the fee guide for interpreting (available in German only),
  • publishing statements against price dumping and interpreting requests that do not meet the association’s standard,
  • providing consulting services for conferences and putting together interpreting teams.

Members of the Interpreting Committee

The Interpreting Committee consists of at least four members who are appointed by the Board of Directors for a two-year term and whose mandate can be extended twice. If possible, at least one member of the committee should also be a board member. The committee meets four to five times per year or as needed.

  • Jill Kreuer (Coordination)
  • Bettina Coll
  • Julia Klug
  • Julia Lindsey
  • Sonja Schnitzer
  • Olga Tsourko
  • Christa Wendl
  • Joanna Ziemska
    • Advisory member for certifications for Austrian Sign Language: Carina Gruber

You can contact the Interpreting Committee by sending an email to afdo@universitas.org.

Professional Development Committee AfF

The Professional Development Committee is dedicated to organizing webinars and workshops for language professionals.

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Organizing webinars and workshops from A to Z
  • Acting as a point of contact for providers of CPD programs
  • Cooperating with the PR Committee and the Young Professionals Support Committee
  • Cooperating with partner and sister associations

Members of the Professional Development Committee 

  • Nóra Uhri (Koordination)
  • Sara Aufinger-Scheed
  • Corina Nitu
  • Carmina-Cinzia Hirschvogl
  • Volina Serban
  • Susanna Sernett

You can contact the Professional Development Committee by sending an email to fortbildung@universitas.org.

PR CommitteeAfKÖ

The PR Committee is responsible for both internal and external PR and follows the overall strategy defined by the Board of Directors. We inform the general public about the fields of translation and interpreting and implement measures targeted at raising the profile of the profession. The PR Committee is also happy to deal with press inquiries.

Tasks and Responsibilities

External PR work:

  • issuing press releases,
  • attending/sponsoring trade shows, conferences, and other events,
  • publishing information on social media: Twitter, Facebook, our blog, etc.,
  • organizing advertising campaigns: public transport, print media or informing customers, etc.

Internal PR work:

  • promoting member loyalty: open days, networking meetings, etc.,
  • designing advertising material.

Members of the PR Committee

Several members of the Board of Directors and other colleagues collaborate to form the PR Committee. The Board of Directors appoints the PR Committee.

  • Nadezda Müngersdorff (Coordination)
  • Marina Faffelberger
  • Goran Jonić
  • Barbara Meinx
  • Martha Rivadeneira Caldas
  • Katarina Rohsmann
  • Diana Salvan

You can contact the PR Committee by sending an email to afkoe@universitas.org.

Translation CommitteeAfÜ

The Translation Committee functions as the first point of contact both within the association and for the public for any questions concerning the topic of translation. Another important matter for the committee is ensuring support for young translators starting their careers. The committee also examines the applications for UNIVERSITAS Austria certification and forwards applications to be approved by the Board of Directors.

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • organizing workshops and webinars for students and newcomers to the profession,
  • distributing information and statements concerning translation-related topics,
  • compiling and regularly updating the following publications: fee guide for translating (available in German only), guidelines for budding translators (available in the members-only area of the website).

Members of the Translation Committee

The Board of Directors appoints the Translation Committee consisting of a minimum of four members. If necessary, experts (counseling members) can be consulted concerning matters of the Translation Committee. If possible, one committee member should also be part of the Board of Directors and act as a contact person. The Committee meets four to five times per year or as needed.

  • Martina Flor (Coordination)
  • Stefanie Böhm
  • Verena Brinda
  • Ruth Day
  • Natalie Mair

You can contact the Translation Committee by sending an email to afue@universitas.org.

Young Professionals Support CommitteeAfN

The Young Professionals Support Committee is dedicated to supporting young translators and preparing them for their careers. The committee’s activities include the Maria Verber mentoring program, additional training opportunities specifically for student members (in cooperation with the continuing professional education team), the UNIVERSITAS Austria internship program as well as cooperation with the student member representation.

Members of the Young Professionals Support Committee

  • Marlene Trendl (Coordination)
  • Silvia Glatzhofer
  • Katia Iacono
  • Alisa Lang
  • Sabine Mair
  • Elisa Rossi

You can contact the Young Professionals Support Committee by sending an email to afn@universitas.org.