We Speak the Language of Success

Gymnasiumstraße 50, 1190 Vienna, Austria
+43-1-368 60 60

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Interpreters‘ and Translators‘ Association

Interpreting. Translating. Trust our university-trained professionals for over 40 languages.

There are many interpreters and translators on the market. The UNIVERSITAS certification makes all the difference. Rely on certified professionals.

Approximately 800 professionals are at your disposal. Use our convenient search function to find the one you need. Expect nothing less than top-notch service.

UNIVERSITAS Austria has more than 50 years of experience on the Austrian market. You are in good hands.

Consult our experts for all things conference technology. They will also be happy to manage translation projects in multiple languages. It’s strong expertise from start to finish.

Our members’ services are available for businesses, public authorities, individuals – and for all translation fields and types of events. University-trained translators and interpreters convey the heart of your message. Work with professionals.

Online Database of Certified Experts

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The Benchmark of Interpreting and Translation


Thanks to our UNIVERSITAS Austria certification, clients can be sure they are working with highly qualified professionals – in an unregulated profession, our seal of quality is key. All interpreters and translators listed in this database are UNIVERSITAS Austria certified experts and as such set the benchmark for the field of interpreting and translating. They prove their skills in a thorough peer-to-peer procedure, undergo continuous professional development and are committed to the association’s Code of Professional Conduct (available in German only).


The most important certification criteria at a glance:


  • University degree relevant to the field
  • At least three years of professional experience
  • Assessment by two independent quality assessment bodies
  • Continuing professional development


Useful Information for Clients

Events (show allminimize list)

21 Jan

Online-Fortbildung: Translationstechnologie leicht verständlich

Location: Online (Zoom)
30 Jan

Berufsbilder von Translator*innen - Folge 10: Gerichtsdolmetschen

Location: Online (Zoom)
21 Feb

Ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung von UNIVERSITAS Austria

Location: wird noch bekannt gegeben
22 Feb

KI-Tag: Künstliche Intelligenz trifft Sprachkompetenz

Location: ZTW
10 Mar

Webinar: Post-Editing von MÜ-Output

Location: Online (Zoom)
12 Mar

UNIVERSIQuiz (Pubquiz - 3. Runde)

Location: Wien

News/UNIVERSITAS Austria ...

... informs.

The UNIVERSITAS Austria member magazine, Mitteilungsblatt, is published on a quarterly basis.

Member magazine overview

MIIBL 04/24

... blogs.

09.02.2024Live-Untertitelung: Interview mit Birgit Grübl

Live-Untertitelung: Interview mit Birgit Grübl
Vor rund 40 Jahren begann der ORF mit der Untertitelung erster TV-Programme. Seither hat sich viel getan: Mehr als 17.000 Stunden Programm p …

Visit blog

Become a member now

UNIVERSITAS Austria Membership

We are pleased to hear that you are interested in becoming a member of UNIVERSITAS Austria. In this section, you will find all information regarding types of membership, membership fees, and how to apply for and upgrade your membership. Information on how to cancel your membership is also available. After becoming a member, you will be listed in our internal database that is accessible to all members. The external search shows only certified members. After being a full member for two years, you may apply for certification.

Who Can Become a Member?

  • Master’s students enrolled in a domestic or foreign Translation Studies program (Translation and/or Interpreting)
  • Master’s graduates of a domestic or foreign Translation Studies program (Translation and/or Interpreting)
  • If you have other qualifications (such as in philology) and demonstrable professional experience, you can also apply for membership.

What Types of Memberships are Available?

  • Student Member (membership fee: €30/year)
    Student membership is reserved for MA Translation Studies students. Student membership is limited to three years from the start of the master’s program. If you study for more than three years,we kindly ask you to send us your enrollment certification to info@universitas.org. Our statutes require that you apply for an upgrade to full membership after completingyour master’s degree.
  • Full Member (membership fee: €200/year)
    Full membership is intended for active interpreters and translators.
  • Friend of the Association (membership fee: €100/year)
    This category is intended for non-active translators or other interested parties.
  • Honorary Member (exempt from fees)
    This category is reserved for longtime, particularly accomplished members of the association.
    You can find a list of honorary members here.

Can I Subscribe to the Association’s Member Magazine Only?

Yes. If you do not wish to become a member, you can also subscribe solely to the member magazine. Please note that the member magazine is available in German only.
Subscription fees are as follows:

  • In Austria: €29/year
  • Abroad: €41/year

How do I Apply for Membership?

Step 1: Select a Type of Membership and Fill in the Corresponding Application Form

Your completed application must be confirmed and signed by two full members of UNIVERSITAS Austria. Sponsors must be full members. Lecturers from your alma mater or other members you know personally qualify as sponsors for your application.

Step 2: Provide UNIVERSITAS Austria With the Application Form and Necessary Documents

Depending on the type of membership, please enclose the following documents:

  • Student membership: copy of bachelor’s certificate + current enrollment certification
  • Full membership: copy of master’s certificate

You can return the completed form with the necessary supporting documents attached in the following ways:

When submitting an application for student membership, you can also forward the required bachelor’s certificate/enrollment certification at a later time by emailing it to info@universitas.org.

Step 3: Confirmation/Rejection of Your Application

Complete applications will be reviewed at the following board meeting. These meetings take place every 4 to 6 weeks (with a summer break in July and August). This may result in a delay in the processing of your application. Upon acceptance, you will receive a welcome package by mail. Should your application be rejected, you will receive an email stating the reason for the rejection.

If you have any further questions, please contact us via the membership contact form or info@universitas.org.

For Student Members: Membership Upgrade

If you wish to remain a member of the association after completing your master’s degree in Translation Studies, a change of membership from student membership to full membership is required. Please inform us immediately after completing your degree. The steps below will explain what you need to do for a membership upgrade.

Please note: If you begin a further degree in the field of Translation Studies, you also have to apply for a membership upgrade.

Example: You have completed your degree in Translation Studies and want to add/finish a degree in Interpreting Studies. In both cases, you will need to upgrade your membership.

Step 1: Notification of Completion of the Master’s Degree Program and Application for Membership Upgrade

Please follow the instructions below:

  • Fill out the change of membership form (available in the members-only area of the website).
  • If your personal or contact details have changed since your admission as a student member, they will be updated in our database.
  • Submit a copy of your master’s certificate along with the original change of membership form.
  • Send us the documents by email or mail or submit them in person during our office hours.

Step 2: Confirmation of the Membership Upgrade

See “Step 3: Confirmation/Rejection of your Application” under “How do I apply for membership?”

If your application is accepted, you will receive a notification by email.

Cancelling Your Membership

If you wish to cancel your membership, please send a short email to info@universitas.org.

You must give written notice of cancellation no later than three months before the end of the association’s fiscal year (30th of September), which corresponds to the calendar year. If notice is not given in due time, your cancellation will not take effect until the following year.

Being a Member of UNIVERSITAS Austria Gives you the Opportunity to …

  • meet fellow translators and interpreters in Austria
  • communicate with other members in a secure internet forum (iBoard)
  • obtain information on current professional topics
  • take advantage of continuing professional development and training events
  • benefit from professional representation in public
  • learn more about starting out in the profession and day-to-day business while still a student
  • gain access to useful information in the members-only area of the UNIVERSITAS Austria website
  • create your own member page on the domain universitas.org/your-first-name.last-name
  • attend events, language courses and seminars at reduced rates
  • enjoy special conditions when taking out professional liability insurance
  • use the UNIVERSITAS Austria logo for communication with clients (full members)
  • obtain the UNIVERSITAS Austria certification after two years of membership and successful completion of the qualification procedure
  • contribute your own experience and expertise and support the translation and interpreting profession

Benefits especially for Student Members and newcomers to the profession

  • useful information for newcomers to the profession
  • networking and connections
  • price reductions when upgrading to a full membership
  • Maria Verber Program (mentoring program)
  • opportunity to take part in interpreting assignments
  • Facebook group for student members

If you are an interpreter or a translator, or if this is the goal of your training, we would like to encourage you to join UNIVERSITAS Austria. As a member of UNIVERSITAS Austria, you will receive benefits and discounts on various products and services. We are committed to continually extending the range of offers available.

UNIVERSITAS Austria Certified Interpreters and Translators

Thanks to our UNIVERSITAS Austria certification, clients can be sure they are working with highly qualified professionals – in an unregulated profession, our seal of quality is key.

All UNIVERSITAS Austria certified members who have completed the thorough peer-to-peer procedure are listed online with their contact information and language combination. Non-certified members do not appear in the public search, but are listed in our internal database that is accessible to all members.

In order to obtain certification, full members must not only have the necessary professional experience, but must also prove their skills to colleagues from the relevant Committees by submitting translations or proof of interpreting assignments and providing sponsors who are certified members.

Details on the admission criteria and forms for certification are available in the members-only area of the website.

The UNIVERSITAS Maria Verber Program for the Professional Advancement of Young Translators and Interpreters

Our offer for newcomers to the profession!

Target audience:
Student members of UNIVERSITAS Austria who are at the end of their studies or at the beginning of their professional career.

The Concept:
Association members with professional experience (mentors) offer newcomers to the profession (mentees) experience and support. Our goal is to pass on the most useful strategies to succeed in the profession. The aim is to support mentees in both their personal and professional development.

In contrast to coaching, mentors do not take a neutral position towards the person they are advising, but rather distinguish themselves by their special commitment.

Benefits for Mentees:

  • career (entry) support,
  • insight into the structures of the professional world,
  • networking opportunities,
  • opportunity to tap into formal and informal knowledge of experienced colleagues,
  • practice interpretation assignments (depending on availability),
  • integration into a network that can provide motivation and concrete support.

Benefits for Mentors:

  • fresh ideas and motivation,
  • reflection on your own work,
  • continuous development of interpersonal and communication skills,
  • contact with other mentors,
  • new opportunities for collaboration in the mentoring network

Are You Interested?
Contact the program manager (mentoring@universitas.org) or our office (info@universitas.org), stating your language combination, field of study, and address.

The Mentoring Guidelines are available for download in the members-only area of our website (available in German only).


COMMUNITAS is a platform (forum) that has been exclusively created for community interpreters. COMMUNITAS helps to increase the visibility of full members of the association who are actively working in the field. It also aims to provide networking opportunities for community interpreters who have not completed a specialized university education, but do have professional experience and who have participated in and successfully completed a certain number of training programs for professionalization purposes.

Aims of the COMMUNITAS Platform

  • making the field of community interpreting more visible within the nationwide professional association UNIVERSITAS Austria,
  • organizing networking events to enable the exchange of experience among UNIVERSITAS and COMMUNITAS members,
  • strengthening the position of community interpreters in their interaction with clients (NGOs, institutions, etc.), e.g. when negotiating working conditions and payment,
  • offering community interpreters the opportunity to participate in the PR work of the association,
  • offering and participating in training events for the purpose of quality assurance, and collaborating with educational institutions of Austrian universities.

Structure and Members

The COMMUNITAS platform has been incorporated into the UNIVERSITAS website as a forum, where members have the opportunity to briefly introduce themselves and network.
Who can join COMMUNITAS?

  1. UNIVERSITAS members may join the COMMUNITAS platform for community interpreters by sending an informal email to the Community Interpreting Committee (AfCI): afci@universitas.org
  2. Community interpreters who are not members of UNIVERSITAS may join if their application for a COMMUNITAS membership has been assessed by the AfCI and their statement of approval has been forwarded to and approved by the UNIVERSITAS Austria Board of Directors.

Requirements for Becoming a COMMUNITAS Member

Community interpreters who are not members of UNIVERSITAS Austria can apply for COMMUNITAS membership under the following conditions and by providing the following supporting documents:

Qualifications: proof of educational programs equivalent to 20 ECTS (1 ECTS corresponds to 25 hours of workload), which have to cover the following fields: professional ethics, interpreting strategies, specialized knowledge (e.g. law, medicine, psychotherapy, etc.);

Professional Experience: proof of 20 interpreting assignments in the field of community interpreting within the last three years (an informal list is sufficient; verification may be requested at random); testimonials or recommendations from clients may be submitted alternatively;

Sponsors: the signatures of two sponsors working in the field of community interpreting who have been members of either UNIVERSITAS or COMMUNITAS for at least two years; obligation to comply with the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of UNIVERSITAS Austria and the annual payment of the COMMUNITAS membership fee of €82 (the respective payment request will be forwarded after admission).

Please e-mail your complete application to the AfCI (afci@universitas.org). The AfCI will examine the documents and forward the membership application for the COMMUNITAS platform together with their statement to the UNIVERSITAS Austria Board of Directors. Applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors at a board meeting. The applicants will be informed about the outcome of the application by the office of the Association after the admission process is completed.

If the documents submitted are incomplete or insufficient, the AfCI will request any missing documents from the applicants. In this case, the application process for COMMUNITAS will be postponed until all supporting documents have been received.